Weimar Constitution


This is my mindmap on the Weimar constitution
George Donaghy
Mind Map by George Donaghy, updated more than 1 year ago
George Donaghy
Created by George Donaghy over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Weimar Constitution
  1. Main Features Of the Constitution
    1. The President was elected every 7 years
      1. Bill Of Rights stated that every man and woman had: freedom of speech, freedom to meet, freedom of press, freedom of arrest without a good reason
        1. The Reichstag was the parliament in Germany and each member got elcted every 60000 they got- this was clled proportional representation
        2. Bill Of Rights
      2. Strenghs Of Constitution
        1. All Germans had rights even to vote, PR made sure parties had the same percentage of seats in parliament as they did in the election.
          1. Provided a strong leader to keep control of the country and each state had its own elected assembly to represent local interests
        2. Weaknesses Of The Constitution
          1. President was chief of armed forces, other parties could come into power in case of an emergency
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