Psychological Therapies CBT AO1


Mind Map on Psychological Therapies CBT AO1, created by C R on 23/03/2014.
Mind Map by C R, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by C R about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Psychological Therapies CBT AO1
  1. CBT emphasis the role of maladaptive thoughts and beliefs in the origins and maintenance of depression
    1. When people think negatively about themselves and their lives they become depressed
      1. Aim of CBT is to identify and alter these maladptive cognitions as well as any dysfunctional behaviour that might be contributing to depression
        1. Relatively brief, 16-20 sessions
          1. Focused on current problems and current dysfunctional thinking
            1. Many ingredients in CBT (including homework), two main ones are thought catching and behavioural activation
              1. Thought catching
                1. Taught to see the link between their thoughts and the way they feel
                  1. May had to record any emotion arousing events, the automatic negative thoughts associated and their realistic thoughts that may challenge these negative thoughts
                    1. Taught to challenge negative associations by asking questions and challenging dysfunctional thoughts and replacing them with more constructive ones
                      1. Clients are trying out new ways of behaving
                    2. Behavioural activation
                      1. Characteristic of depression is that they no longer participate in activities that they previously enjoyed
                        1. Being active leads to rewards that act as an antidote to depression
                        2. Therapist and client identify potential pleasurable activities and anticipate/deal with any cognitive obstacles
                          1. eg. I won't be able to achieve that
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