Edmonton Tornado


Deadly tornado ripped through Edmonton in 1987
Ezra Kleine
Mind Map by Ezra Kleine, updated more than 1 year ago
Ezra Kleine
Created by Ezra Kleine almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Edmonton Tornado
  1. Friday, July 31, 1987
    1. Also known as Black Friday
    2. Several other tornadoes touched down in central Alberta
      1. One of the deadliest tornadoes in recent Alberta history
        1. Rating was F4 tornado
          1. Damage cost $332.27 million
            1. Highest wind was 417 km/h
              1. Largest hail was as large as a tennis ball
                1. The maximum rainfall was 300 millimetres
                  1. There was a power outage
                  2. The tornado lasted 1 hour
                    1. Killed 27 people
                      1. Injured over 300 peple
                      2. Canada usually does not have many deadly tornadoes
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