

Mind Map on Sweden, created by alison johnson on 20/10/2016.
alison johnson
Mind Map by alison johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
alison johnson
Created by alison johnson over 7 years ago

Resource summary



  • They changed the name of creche to day centre.
  1. Children start school at age 6
    1. Forskoleklass (pre-school year)


      • All children guaranteed a place her in the fall term of the year they turn 6.this year is designed to provide a platform for future schooling. It is non-compulsory , however almost all children attend.
    2. 3 stages of schooling : lagstadiet- year 1-3, mellanstadiet - year 4-6, hogstadiet - year 7-9
      1. age 6-13 offered out of school care before and after school
      2. sami school for children of indigenous sami people


        • Sami people have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years. Sami maintain their rich culture and traditions  while being part of the Swedish society. Approx 20,000 in Sweden . Live in modern housing. Sami became a subject in Swedish schools as late as 1962 Sami upper school (Jokkmokk) in the very north is a boarding school where students can train in reindeer husbandry, traditional cooking and Sami language.
        1. Current Issues impacting education system


          • Pisa assessments pummet for Sweden .Morale amongst teachers low .OECD said system in need of urgent care.concerns about unqualified teachers. Creating a wider gap between social class
          1. 1 of 1 They changed the name of creche to day centre.
          2. The national board of health and walfare became the new supervisory authority
            1. Teachers Qualifiactions


              • As of December 2013,professional qualification is required for school and pre-school teachers on permanent contracts.
            2. The main objective of day care was to care for children with single mohers
              1. ECEC should with stimulating developing activities combined with education and care
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