Persuasive Techniques


Mind Map on Persuasive Techniques, created by rossyoung37 on 29/03/2014.
Mind Map by rossyoung37, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rossyoung37 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Persuasive Techniques
  1. Chatty and humorous language
    1. Repetition
      1. Matin Luther King, repletion of I have a dream.
        1. Part of sentence structure.
        2. Imagery
          1. Personification
            1. Inanimate things are giving human features.
            2. Simile
              1. Something is like something.
              2. Metaphor
                1. Something is something.
                2. Onamatapea
                  1. A word that sounds like a noise.
                  2. Alliteration
                    1. Emphasis on sounds or letters.
                  3. Sentence structure
                    1. Inversion
                      1. Putting the sentence subject at the end.
                      2. Sentence length
                        1. Short, long or minor sentence.
                          1. Minor sentences have no verbs
                        2. Sentence type
                          1. Question, statement and commands etc.
                          2. Punctuation
                            1. Listing
                            2. Small anecdotes.
                              1. A short story that supports your view.
                              2. Use facts and statistics.
                                1. Rule of three.
                                  1. Use three adjective to emphasise how you feel about you subject
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