Vincent Van Gogh


Mind Map on Vincent Van Gogh, created by kanerowe02 on 03/30/2014.
Mind Map by kanerowe02, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kanerowe02 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Vincent Van Gogh
  1. paintings
    1. Potato Eaters
      1. This painting was made when Van Gogh was preaching for poor coal miners. This painting was his fist big hit.
      2. Starry Night
        1. Van Gogh painted this painting when he was in an asylum. The dark, slow colours expressed that he was sad.
        2. Sunflowers
          1. Van Gogh made seven types sunflower paintings . Each type, expressed his emotions in the tone of the paint.
        3. Personal life
          1. Jobs
            1. When Van Gogh finished school he followed his fathers footsteps and became an art dealer. He then went to university but failed and became a preacher for coal miners. That was when he drew the Potato Eaters. He then devoted himself to being an artist.
            2. He only sold one painting in his life for £25
              1. He was born in Holland, Netherlands 1853. In 1890 he committed suicide.
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