'You'll be able to divide the responsibility
between you when I'm gone'
This quote suggests that Inspector Goole is implying that he
doesn't care who the family want to blame; as they all had a part to
play in Eva's death. The word 'responsibility' suggests that even
though the family are denying any part of Eva's death being their
fault, that Inspector Goole knows that they all had a part in why
Eva was so depressed that she took her own life!
Inspector Goole acts mysterious.
'A girl died tonight. A pretty, lively sort of girl who
never did anyone any harm'
This quote suggests that Mr Goole thinks that who
ever pushed Eva to kill herself were wrong as she
was innocent and didn't deserve to die. The word
'harm' suggests that Eva was a quiet and innocent
young women who kept herself to herself and
someone has hurt her feeling to make her think that
her life isn't worth living anymore.
He doesn't act sympathetic for the
Birling family or Eva.
''One Eva Smith has gone - but there are
millions and millions and millions of Eva
Smith's and John Smith still left with us''
This quote suggests that Inspector Goole is
telling the family that just because they are
in some way responsible for the death of
Eva, doesn't mean they cant help anyone
else who needs some help. The phrase
'millions and millions and millions' suggests
that Inspector Goole is telling each member
of the family members that there is lots of
people they can help in stead of just them
selves; as they all come across self centred.
Inspector Goole thinks that
somebody is definitely to blame for
the death of Eva and that it is one or
more of the Birling family.
'A nice little promising life, there. I thought, and a nasty
mess somebody's made of it'
This quote suggests that Inspector Goole is explaining to the family how Eva looked and felt before
and after her death. It also tells us that he thinks that her life was that bad it wasn't worth living; so in a
way he's condoning what she did to herself. the word 'somebody's' again is suggesting that Inspector
Goole is pushing the blame onto the Birling family.