Monotheistic Religions


Monotheistic Religions
James Huang
Mind Map by James Huang, updated more than 1 year ago
James Huang
Created by James Huang almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Monotheistic Religions


  • Monotheistic is a religons only belive in one god
  1. Judaism


    • Judaism was founded by the hebrews. They live in canan in 1960 B.C.E 
    1. Origins of Judaism


      • The most important for Hebrew leaders are called Abraham, David, Soloman, Moses was said to be the ancestor of the Hebrews Around the 1950 B.C.E Abraham and his clan migrated to the land of Canaan. Around 1800 B.c.e many Hebrews moved to Egypt according to the first book of the Torah, they fled Canaan because if a famine. The Hebrews become slaves in  Egypt, Moses led the Hebrews in their escape from Egypt.
      1. Moses


        • The Torah recorded why Moses  is important to the Israelites. Moses was the one who unites the Jews who worshiped God and save those slaves out of Egypt. He was told by God that he was chose to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and let them be free. The most famous scene was that Moses parted the Sea of Reeds when he raised his wooden rod and led the people crossed safely and the soldiers of Pharaoh were drown. God gave him Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Those were basic laws and teachings of Judaism. Moses also was the model of leadership.
        1. Passover


          • It's the festival which to celebrate the Exodus. It's one of the dietary rules the Jews followed, and they observed these rules and practiced in many varied ways.
        2. David


          • About 1000 B.C.E., David defeated the Philistines and united Israelites to a new kingdom called Israel. When he was small, he was brave and faithful in God. When Goliath said something bad about the God, David was rage and hurt him with a stone shooted with a sling. When he became the king, he gave its new army, courts, and officials. Also, Jerusalem became the capital and holy city because of him.
          1. Solomon


            • Solomon was David's son. After David died, he became the new king. He devoted to the kingdom as David, he built the FIrst Temple in Jerusalem, signed treaties with other countries, increased trade and develop industries. He was full of wisdom according to the Hebrew Bible. 
            1. Abraham


              • Abram was the name that Abram originally had, Abram was born about 20000 B.C.E in the city in Mesopotamia called UR citizens worshiped many gods, and the only Abram believed that there is only one god, the belief in one god separated Judaism and other religions. According to the Torah Judaism began with a convenient or agreement between god and human.
            2. Hebrew Bible


              • A set of Jewish writings that explained the teachings, ethics and moral that focus on social justice of Judaism. 
              1. The Torah


                • The Torah consists of Jewish teachings and written records about the Jews. Including hundreds of commandments which were about moral and religious conduct.
                1. Israel


                  • After 40 years travelling in the wilderness, Israelites finally settled in Canaan. By 1000 B.C.E, they built the kingdom of Israel in Canaan. It was first ruled by Saul, then by David and them David's son. David united the Israelites into one kingdom. In about 930B.C.E. after Solomon is dead, Israel departed into 2 parts. Israel in the north and Judah in the south.
                  1. Jerusalem


                    • After King David ruled the kingdom in Israel, he made Jerusalem the capital and holy city.
                  2. Talmud


                    • Providing Jews about how to lead moral lives and teach about how to treat everyone fairly.
                    1. Jewish Diaspora
                      1. Babylon


                        • In 586B.C.E, Babylonians devastated Jerusalem and most Jews were forced to leave and went to Babylon. in 539 B.C.E., Persians defeated the Babylonians and many Jews returned to Judah, but under Persia's rule. 
                        1. Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakki


                          • He tried to preserve their religious. He built a center and the Jews shared their knowledge with others and taught each others. He created a temple called synagogues and a new kind of religious service. In 1984, the Jewish nation of the State of Israel was conducted in lands once they belonged to.
                        2. Ten Commandments


                          • God created these and gave it to Moses. They explain to the Jews how to lead an upright and honorable life, as well as the relationship with the God.
                        3. Christianity
                          1. Jews expected Messiah


                            • After Herod died in 4 B.C.E., his kingdom was separated into three parts. But then erupted and governed Judea with military. The Jews knew that one day God would sent Messiah to rule them. 
                            1. Angels came to Mary


                              • Angels told Mary that she would have a son and name him Jesus.
                              1. The birth of Jesus


                                • Many believed that Jesus's birth were around 6 B.C.E., during the reign of King Herod.
                                1. Praying in the Wilderness


                                  • When Jesus was about 30, a teacher known as John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Messiah. After 40 days praying in wilderness, Jesus began to preach in Galilee
                                  1. Jesus began preaching


                                    • With his follower became more and more, he started preaching in open areas.
                                    1. parables


                                      • simple stories with moral or religious messages.
                                      1. Judas's betrayal


                                        • The Roman started see Jesus as a threat because they thought he might lead a revolt against them.  After the "Last Supper" Judas then reported where Jesus could be found. As Jesus was led away under guard.
                                        1. Crucifixion


                                          • Jesus was nailed to a cross and left him to die between two other condemned men who were also crucified. A few faithful followers later removed his body and buried it in a tomb carved out of rock.
                                          1. Resurrection


                                            • Three days later Jesus rose from the dead and then appeared to his disciples. His disciples then began spreading the news of his life and teachings.
                                2. Gospels


                                  • An account describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the most famous examples.
                                  1. Paul
                                    1. missionary


                                      • At first, he helped to oust Christians. But after he saw a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus, a vision that changed his life. Paul adopted the Christian faith and became a missionary.
                                      1. Travelling and Preaching


                                        • Paul made it his special mission to convert non-Jews, called Gentiles, to the new religion. He spent several years visiting cities throughout the Greek-speaking world. Wherever he went, he made new converts and started new churches.
                                        1. Imprisoned


                                          • He was in jail because he preached throughout Asia Minor, in Greece, and in Rome. His visits caused riots when angry people protested what they considered blasphemous, or unholy, teaching. It was the time when Romans were beginning to persecute Christian believers.
                                          1. Declared illegal
                                            1. Constantine


                                              • the day before going into battle against a rival, the emperor Constantine reported having a vision of a cross hanging in the sky. Around the cross were the words “In this sign, you will conquer.” That night he had a dream about Jesus. The emperor interpreted the vision and dream as a sign that he would win the battle if he accepted Christian beliefs.
                                              1. Official Religion


                                                • Constantine favored the Christian God over all others. His mother became a leader in the faith. By 380 C.E., Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire.
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