Glaciation Erosion Land forms


Mind Map on Glaciation Erosion Land forms, created by EmmaSmile on 06/05/2013.
Mind Map by EmmaSmile, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EmmaSmile almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Glaciation Erosion Land forms
  1. Hanging valley
    1. Tributary valleys found on the side of the main valley; often have waterfalls flowing down to the main valley below. These may sit hundreds of metres above main valley below.
      1. Church Beck, Lake District
        1. Form as tributary valleys, do not have as much ice as main valley glacier.
          1. There is a greater rate of erosion beneath main valley glacier, deepening main valley in relation to tributary valley. Once glaciers retreat, tributary valley left perched above.
            1. As tributary streams fall over steep sides, descend to the main valley below as waterfalls.
        2. Fjord
          1. A submerged glacial valley with steep valley sides; U in cross section reflecting shape of original glacial valley.
            1. Fairly straight, deeper inland with a shallower section at seaward end (threshold)
              1. Contains water which is uniformly deep and may be over 1000m in depth.
            2. Sognefjord, Norway
              1. Flooded glacial troughs, created due to eustatic sea-level rise, resulting in the drowning of glacial troughs.
                1. Fjord is shallower at sea end due to formation of original trough.
                  1. Glacier would have thinned towards its snout, losing power of erosion.
              2. Truncated spurs
                1. A vertical cliff on the valley side.
                  1. In Borrowdale in the Lake District
                    1. As glaciers pass through a valley they straighten it and the power of ice is enough to remove or truncate the interlocking spurs through processes of glacial erosion, creating truncated spurs on sides of valley.
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