Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Regimens


Understand U.S., Western Europe, and Japanese markets for first/second/third line treatment for NSCLC with regards to Stage (I-IV) and histology/biomarkers (squamous, non-squamous, EGFR mutant, and ALK mutant).
Shane Naki
Mind Map by Shane Naki, updated more than 1 year ago
Shane Naki
Created by Shane Naki about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Regimens
  1. Systemic Regimens by Country
    1. United States (2015)
      1. Carboplatin + Alimta + Avastin
        1. Carboplatin + paclitaxel
          1. Xalkori
            1. Tarceva
              1. United States
                1. docetaxel
                  1. docetaxel
                    1. Gilotrif
                      1. Zykdaia
                        1. United States
                          1. Opdivo
                            1. Tarceva
                              1. Opdivo
                                1. Opdivo
                            2. Western Europe (2015)
                              1. cisplatin + gemcitibine
                                1. Cisplatin + Alimta
                                  1. Tarceva
                                    1. Xalkori
                                      1. Western Europe
                                        1. docetaxel
                                          1. docetaxel
                                            1. cisplatin + Alimta
                                              1. Xalkori
                                                1. Western Europe
                                                  1. Vinorelbine
                                                    1. Vinorelbine
                                                      1. Vinorelbine
                                                        1. vinorelbine
                                                    2. Japan (2014)
                                                          1. Treatment Line
                                                            1. 1
                                                              1. Squamous
                                                                1. Non-Squamous
                                                                  1. EGFR mutant
                                                                    1. ALK Mutant
                                                                2. 2
                                                                  1. 3
                                                                    1. Squamous
                                                                      1. Non-Squamous
                                                                        1. EGFR Mutant
                                                                          1. ALK Mutant
                                                                    2. Squamous
                                                                      1. Non-Squamous
                                                                        1. EGFR Mutant
                                                                          1. ALK Mutant
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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