Shakespeare (Techniques)


Scottish Higher/Advanced Higher Higher English (A Midsummer Night's Dream) Mind Map on Shakespeare (Techniques), created by Heather Taylor on 06/05/2013.
Heather Taylor
Mind Map by Heather Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Heather Taylor
Created by Heather Taylor over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Shakespeare (Techniques)
  1. Theme of Love
    1. "The course of true love never did run smooth"
      1. shows difficulties that need to be overcome before marriage
      2. "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind"
        1. Helena thinks men should fall for a woman through her feelings NOT looks.
        2. "my mistress with a monster is in love
          1. how love can make a fool of us
          2. "I shall do thee mischief in the wood"
            1. love can be dangerous
              1. eg, Demitrius an Lysander's fight
            2. "I am your spaniel.."
              1. Helena desperate attempts to win Demitrius' heart
                1. Love is often unrequited
            3. Symbolism/Imagery
              1. Moon
                1. Romantic - moonlit walk
                  1. lunatic- lunar
                    1. going mad, love makes you crazy
                    2. fertility, mood influences cycles of nature
                    3. Eyes
                      1. Love enters the eyes, Love is blind etc
                        1. "doting on Hermia's eyes"
                          1. Eyes are admired by lovers
                          2. "to what, my love, shall I compare thine eyne"
                        2. Flowers
                          1. role of "love in idleness" flower
                            1. "..cornet of fresh and fragrant flowers"
                              1. flowers are given as a gift of love
                                1. symbol of love and romance
                          2. Key Scenes
                            1. Act 1 Scene 1
                              1. "sharp Athenian war"
                                1. sets the play up, Lysander and Hermia want to elope
                              2. Act 2 Scene 1
                                1. "love in idleness"
                                  1. takes place in fairy world, Titana & Oberon argue
                                    1. Puck fetches flower to put on Titania's eyes
                                2. Act 3 Scene 2
                                  1. *CLIMAX*
                                    1. Both men love Helena, Girls quarrel, men want to fight.
                                3. Theme of Conflict
                                  1. Conflict between Demitrius and Lysander
                                    1. Conflict between Eugeus and Hermia/Lysander
                                      1. This man hath bewitched the bosom of my child"
                                      2. Conflict between Helena and Hermia
                                        1. Helena thinks Hermia and the men are playing a trick on her
                                          1. "have you no modesty? No maiden shame? no touch of bashfulness?"
                                      3. Theme of Harmony and Discord.
                                        1. Harmony
                                          1. love of Theseus and Hippolyta
                                            1. Lysander and Hermia run away together
                                              1. Sound of fairies singing
                                              2. Discord
                                                1. The mixed up love
                                                  1. Puck putting potion in wrong eyes
                                                  2. Oberon squeezes love potion in Titania's eyes
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