Come On, Come Back - Stevie Smith


Poem from the AQA Conflict Cluster for the Poetry Across Time Exam.
Mind Map by rosannazolna, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rosannazolna over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Come On, Come Back - Stevie Smith
  1. The poem is about a future war however it has references to past wars.
    1. Such as Austerliz
      1. Or the Potsdam Concert
      2. It is a haunting and fatalistic portrayal of what will happen in the future if people do not learn from the mistakes of the past and the present
        1. It is written in free verse - meaning there is no real form.
          1. This could represent the confusion of Vaudevue's mind
            1. It could represent the chaos and irregularity of War.
            2. The poem does not have a conventional rhyme scheme. However, Smith links lines through words and sounds. These can come at the end of lines, in the middle or at the beginning. For example Lines 12: alone/stone.
              1. Imagery of water is frequently used
                1. Could be used to show the ripple effects of conflict
                  1. It is used when she commits suicide.
                    1. "Icy - Amorous Embrace
                      1. Juxtaposition
                    2. Vulnerability
                      1. She is a child
                        1. Female soldier
                          1. She is alone for the poem.
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