French invasion of the ruhr


Mind Map on French invasion of the ruhr, created by Micky Maguire on 01/15/2017.
Micky Maguire
Mind Map by Micky Maguire, updated more than 1 year ago
Micky Maguire
Created by Micky Maguire almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

French invasion of the ruhr
  1. German government unable to pay reparations
    1. French sent troops into Ruhr
      1. Main centre of Germany's coal, steel, and iron production
        1. Made German people angry
          1. Industrialists who had investments organised passive resistance campaign
            1. French brought in French workers to operate mines
              1. Began arresting leaders of the resistance
              2. Stresemann called off called off resistance
                1. Started paying reparations again
                  1. French troops left Ruhr in 1925
            2. Led to German economy collapsing
              1. Large increase in unemployment and inflation
                1. Charles Dawes sent to investigate by Allied Reparations Comittee
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