Japan: Fukishima


The cause, impacts and responses of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami. I hope it's helpful :)
Freya Bolton
Mind Map by Freya Bolton, updated more than 1 year ago
Freya Bolton
Created by Freya Bolton almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Japan: Fukishima
  1. The Earthquake
    1. 11th March 2011
      1. Magnitude of 9.0
        1. Largest earthquake to be recorded in Japan
          1. Nearest city to the epicentre - Sendai
          2. The Cause
            1. The pacific plate subducted under the Eurasian plate
              1. Destructive plate boundary
              2. Tusnami
                1. 30m tall
                  1. 800km/hour
                    1. Most people died from drowning
                      1. Generated a whirlpool
                        1. Destroyed 3 storey buildings
                          1. Flooded area of217 square miles
                            1. Travelled 6 miles inland
                            2. Impacts
                              1. 15,400 people were killed
                                1. 2 million left homeless
                                  1. 4 trains swept off their tracks
                                  2. Short Term Responses
                                    1. Japanese meteorological agency issued a tsunmai warning
                                      1. 100,000 people began a disaster relief mission
                                        1. People were able to escape to higher ground (40 mins)
                                          1. Government mobilised its emergency response teams
                                            1. Japanese Red Cross sent out 230 temas to offer medical support
                                              1. Shelters were up in schools near to the disaster areas
                                                1. Japan and US Army began to search for bodies (2nd April)
                                                  1. Charities sent aid - tents, sleeping bags, fresh water
                                                  2. Long Term Resonses
                                                    1. Government began to improve the tsunami walls and flood gates
                                                      1. Government lookes at improving its earthquake prediction, monitoring and reducing time before warning
                                                      2. Fukishima Power Plant
                                                        1. Level 7 nuclear meltdown
                                                          1. 300 tonnes of radioactive water leaks into the seaevery day
                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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