Religious Language


A Levels Philosophy Mind Map on Religious Language, created by 2007hallam on 04/29/2014.
Mind Map by 2007hallam, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 2007hallam over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Religious Language
  1. Antony Flew
    1. Religious People do not allow their beliefs to be disproven
      1. GOD IS OMNIBENEVOLENT despite the evidence of evil and suffering
      2. "Death by a thousand qualifications"
      3. A. J. Ayer
        1. Verification Principal
          1. A belief is only meaningful is it can be empirically verified (synthetic) or is True by definition (Analytic)
          2. John Hick
            1. Statements like "Jesus rose from the dead" are historical and therefore verifyable
              1. Eschatological Verification
                1. Knowledge about God and the metaphysical are verifyable in principal postmortem
                2. Faith and Knowledge, 1978
                3. Keith Ward
                  1. If I were God, I would be able to verify my own existence
                  2. Basil Mitchel
                    1. People won't allow their beliefs to be altered because a religious belief is a relaitionship with God, not an acceptance of fact
                    2. Swinburne
                      1. Toy Sory Analogy
                        1. It cannot be verified that the toys get up and dance at night
                      2. R. M. Hare
                        1. Blik - Believers have WORLDVIEWS which express deeply held opinions and are cognitive in that they affect a person
                        2. Wittgenstein
                          1. LANGUAGE Games - A fish cannot talk about things outside of their pond - it is a different realm of language
                            1. Philosophical Investigations, 1952
                            2. Aquinas
                              1. Against the VIA NEGATIVA
                                1. Summa Theologica
                                  1. Unequivocal Language is wrong as it leads to anthropomorphisism of God
                                    1. Analogical Language - WE experience God through human qualities as they came from him, burt are not equivolent
                                  2. Peter Cole
                                    1. VIA NEGATIVA - By saying what God is not, we can discover what he is due to the pitfalls of human language
                                      1. By denying all description of God, you gain insight, not skepticism
                                      2. Vienna Circle
                                        1. Logical Possivitism
                                          1. Influenced by Hume - Hume's fork of synthetic and analytic
                                        2. Braithwaith
                                          1. Meaning is through use of language
                                            1. Declaration of believer is knowledge
                                            2. Michelles
                                              1. You can't abandon belief, even if it is false
                                                1. It is up to the individual to decide when their belief has been falsified
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