Explain why some countries may experience a more severe recession than others.


Mind Map on Explain why some countries may experience a more severe recession than others., created by Daniel Dalton on 07/05/2014.
Daniel Dalton
Mind Map by Daniel Dalton, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Dalton
Created by Daniel Dalton almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Explain why some countries may experience a more severe recession than others.
  1. Trading Blocs
    1. Economic position of main trading partners
      1. The exports as a percentage of GDP e.g. Japan, Singapore, Germany
        1. Developing or Developed Country
          1. The industry the country specialises in
            1. Level of Investment e.g. China
              1. National Debt
                1. Infrastructure
                  1. Unemployment levels
                    1. Corruption, poor governance and civil wars
                      1. Landlocked with bad neighbours
                        1. Degree of Absolute Poverty
                          1. Differences in Policy Responses and governments' main objectives; e.g. cutting interest rates, fiscal stimulus, quantitative easing
                            1. Evaluation
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