Vitamin A


Mind Map on Vitamin A, created by Michelle.Boyce on 08/05/2014.
Mind Map by Michelle.Boyce, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Michelle.Boyce almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Vitamin A
  1. Properties
    1. Fat-Soluble(In Both)
      1. Insoluble in water (In Both)
        1. Heat stable (In Both)
          1. Destroyed by oxygen when exposed to light and air (Pure Vitamin A only)
            1. Powerful anti-oxidant (Pro-Vitamin A Only)
      2. Yellow in colour (In Both)
      3. Functions
        1. Health eyes\Lining tissues\Skin\Hair (in Both)
          1. Promotes Growth (In Both)
            1. Prevents Coronary heart disease(Pro Vitamin A)
        2. Deficiencies
          1. Night Blindness
            1. Xerophthalmai (Dry eye)
              1. May Cause mucus membrane to dry out
              2. Stunted growth in children
                1. Dry skin
                  1. RARE (In Pro-Vitamin A)
                  2. Sources For Pure Vitamin A
                    1. Liver
                      1. Cod Liver Oil
                        1. Eggs
                      2. Fortified Milk
                        1. Cheese
                          1. Margarine
                        2. Sources For Pro-Vitamin A
                          1. Carrots
                            1. Red Peppers
                              1. Tomatoes
                            2. Spinach
                              1. Apricots
                          2. RDA Same in Both Pro And Pure Vitamin A
                            1. Children (400-500 ug\per day)
                              1. Adolescents (600-700 ug\per day)
                                1. Adults (600-700 ug\per day)
                                  1. Pregnant women (700 ug\per day)
                                    1. Lactating women (950 ug\per day)
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