Federal reserve


A basic layout of the Federal reserve system (sort of)
Jacob chesser
Mind Map by Jacob chesser, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob chesser
Created by Jacob chesser about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Federal reserve
  1. 12 Districts
    1. Each district has its own Federal reserve bank
      1. Each bank has its own president
    2. Controls Money supply
      1. Required reserve ratio
        1. The % of the money a bank takes in that it must keep on hand.
        2. Discount rate
          1. The interest rate the Fed charges members banks when loaning them money
          2. Open market operations
            1. When the Fed buys or sells bonds
            2. M1:
            3. Board of directors
              1. 7 members
                1. Each serves 14 year term
                  1. Appointed by the President
                    1. Each President designates one of the board members to be the Chairperson
                    2. Approved by the Senate
                    3. Central Banking system of the US
                      1. Created by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
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