AS PLC Section 4


GCSE Business A293 Mind Map on AS PLC Section 4, created by ashleighwigley on 13/05/2013.
Mind Map by ashleighwigley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashleighwigley almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

AS PLC Section 4
  1. Biofuels - better for the environment (carbon neutral)
    1. Sustainable Resources - will not diminish or run out.
      1. Social Costs - expense to an entire society resulting from a news event, activity or change in policy
        1. Set targets to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions produced by the cars - due to human activity
          1. Taken out a patent on these engines, meaning they are copyright
            1. Developed engines which are more fuel-efficient than those of competitors
              1. Forced to be more eco-friendly by the government
                1. Assembly line - series of workers and machines by which a succession of identical items are produced
                  1. retained profits - proportion of net income which is retained by the corporation
                    1. Revenue - the states annual income
                      1. Grant - the government gives you money that you don't have to give back
                        1. As plc given a grant which they hope will cover the cost of building the new factory.
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