Remains - Simon Armitage


GCSE English (Poetry) Mind Map on Remains - Simon Armitage, created by Samira Choudhury on 27/04/2017.
Samira Choudhury
Mind Map by Samira Choudhury, updated more than 1 year ago
Samira Choudhury
Created by Samira Choudhury over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Remains - Simon Armitage
  1. 'I walk right over it week after week' - Metaphor, always there, go through it in head over and over
    1. No regular rhyme or rhythm - Messed up mind
      1. Northern contemporary language, natural speech
        1. 'We' - Pronoun, brotherhood, more than one, personal experience
          1. Stanza 1-4 - Shooting, Stanza 5-8 - After effect
            1. Gulf War
              1. 'End of story, except not really' - Should be end, can't stop thinking about it, can't forget
                1. 'One of my mates' - Noun, chatty, informal
                  1. 'Open fire' - Panic, action
                    1. The Not Dead documentary
                      1. 'Get sent out' - Follow orders, made to do it
                        1. 'On another occasion' - Memory of many
                          1. Unrhymed quatrains
                            1. 'Tackle looters raiding a bank' - Verb, prevent, stop
                              1. 'Pain itself, the image of agony' - Nouns, realisation of what they've done to the man, brutality
                                1. 'Legs it' - Coloqial, conversational, links with character
                                  1. 'Probably armed, possibly not' - Adverb, repetition, no real threat, unsure, guilt
                                    1. 'Three of a kind' - Same job, together
                                      1. 'All of the same mind' - Same intention, not individuals, same thoughts
                                        1. 'So we've it this looter a dozen times' - Informal, doesn't care, no remorse, no name
                                          1. 'Letting fly' - Metaphor, slang, bullets
                                            1. 'Somebody else and somebody else' - Nameless, doesn't matter, personal, comrades, unity, unclear memory
                                              1. '-' - Pause, shock
                                                1. 'He's there on the ground, sort of inside out' - Vague, enjambment, powerful imagery
                                                  1. 'I see every round as it rips through his life' - Metaphor, slow motion, see every bullet, violent imagery
                                                    1. 'I see broad daylight on the other side' - Metaphor, happens so quick, death
                                                      1. 'Tosses his guts back into his body' - Verb, dehumanising, worthless
                                                        1. 'Drink and drugs won't flush him out' - Metaphor, can't wash away memory, detox, nothing helps, trying to forget
                                                          1. 'I blink' - Verb, enjambment, reality, clear mind, is it real?
                                                            1. 'I'm home on leave' - Escapism
                                                              1. 'Blood-shadow stays' - Metaphor, stained ground, stained into mind, remains forever in memory
                                                                1. 'Sleep' - Noun, should be relaxing/peaceful, can't sleep, disturbed sleep, no control
                                                                  1. 'Carted off in the back of a lorry' - Discarded like rubbish, disregard, not human
                                                                    1. 'He bursts again through the doors of the bank' - Metaphor, verb, bursts into mind, violent, still there, reliving, PTSD
                                                                      1. 'He's here in my head' - Metaphor, alliteration, won't leave, out of breath
                                                                        1. 'Dream' - Noun, should be positive, nightmare, no peace
                                                                          1. 'Dug in behind enemy lines' - Metaphor, noun, dug deep into mind
                                                                            1. 'Not left for dead' - Not buried, haunting him, didn't die at war
                                                                              1. 'Some distant, sun-stunned, sand-smothered land' - Sibilance, sinister, not at war, not noble
                                                                                1. 'His bloody life in my bloody hands' - Metaphor, can't clear name, his blood on hands, responsible, swearing/cursing
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