System Threats


Year 9 Computing Mind Map on System Threats, created by Sarah Bucksey on 15/05/2017.
Sarah Bucksey
Mind Map by Sarah Bucksey, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Bucksey
Created by Sarah Bucksey over 7 years ago

Resource summary

System Threats
  1. Malware
    1. Software written to infect computers and commit crimes.
      1. Effects; Computer may crash,
        1. The internet connection may become slow
          1. Files may be deleted, become corrupt or encrypted
        2. Preventions;
          1. Strong security software
        3. Phishing
          1. an online fraud technique used by criminals to entice you to disclose personal information
            1. Effects of phishing include;
              1. Accessing a victims account and withdraw money
                1. Open new bank or credit-card accounts in a victims name
                  1. Gaining access high-value corporate data
              2. Preventions;
                1. Strong security software
                  1. Disable pop-ups
                    1. awareness of spotting fake websites and emails
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