Truman's Presidency (Timeline)


Mind Map on Truman's Presidency (Timeline), created by Robert Hunt on 21/05/2017.
Robert Hunt
Mind Map by Robert Hunt, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Hunt
Created by Robert Hunt over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Truman's Presidency (Timeline)
  1. 1945 (succeeds Roosevelt as President)
    1. 1946
      1. 1947
        1. 1948 (Truman Re-elected)
          1. 1949
            1. 1950
              1. 1951
                1. 1952
                  1. 1953 (leaves office in Jan)
                    1. Truman seizes federal control of Steel to quash a strike as workers and owners couldn't reach agreement over pay
                      1. This is found to be unconstitutional
                      2. First H-bomb detonated by the US
                        1. Eisenhower (Republican) elected President, Nixon as his Vice-President
                        2. Rosenburgs arrested and executed for Espionage
                          1. MacArthur relieved of duty as US Comander of troops in Korea
                          2. McCarthy makes the 'Wheeling Speech' charging 205 members of the state department with communist links
                            1. Sino-Soviet Alliance signed between Stalin and Mao
                              1. North Korea invades the South- Korean war begins
                                1. Truman send troops stationed in Japan to aid the South led by General MacArthur
                                  1. Successful counter-attack by the US and allies in Inchon
                                    1. US encroach on Chinese border leading to Chinese counter attack pushing the US back
                                2. Social Security amendments increase the spread and depth of benefits
                                  1. Republicans make significant gains in the mid term elections
                                  2. NATO formed
                                    1. Berlin Blockade lifted
                                      1. USSR detonates first A-bomb
                                        1. China falls to Communism under Chairman Mao
                                          1. Minimum wage rises to 75 cents
                                          2. Berlin Blockade starts- USSR blocks all land access to West Berlin, for 10 months all supplies are flown into West Berlin- at its peak over a thousand aid planes landed in Berlin in one day.
                                            1. Truman orders the desegregation of the Armed Forces
                                              1. Truman first candidate to campaign in Harlem
                                                1. Democrats retake Congress
                                                2. Truman releases his 'Truman Doctrine'
                                                  1. Jackie Robinson is the first Black player in Major League Baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers
                                                    1. Marshall Plan announced- US run AID plan for post-war Europe
                                                      1. Truman becomes the first President to address the NAACP
                                                        1. To Secure These Rights released identifying race discrimination in almost every aspect of American life
                                                        2. Kennan's Long Telegram sent
                                                          1. Employment Act lays the responsibility of economic stability of the country with the federal government
                                                            1. Republicans win Congress in Mid-term elections
                                                            2. Drops A-bombs in Japan to end war in the Pacific
                                                              1. Potsdam Conference
                                                              2. Foreign Policy
                                                                1. Domestic Policy
                                                                  1. Civil Rights
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