Financial Maths


Leaving Certificate LCHL Maths Mind Map on Financial Maths, created by Culan O'Meara on 05/20/2014.
Culan O'Meara
Mind Map by Culan O'Meara, updated more than 1 year ago
Culan O'Meara
Created by Culan O'Meara over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Financial Maths
  1. Error
    1. Relative Error=Error/True Value
      1. Percentage Error=Error/True Valuex100
        1. Accumulated Error=the collected inaccuracy that can occur when multiple errors are combined
        2. Profit/Loss
          1. Mark-up=Profit/CPx100
            1. Margin=Profit/SPx100
              1. Percentage loss=Loss/CPx100
              2. Compound Interest
                1. Investments
                  1. AER
                    1. Pension Funds: Annuities
                    2. Loans
                      1. APR
                      2. Formula: F=P(1+i)^t (on pg30)
                        1. Continuous Compounding Formula: F=Pe^rt
                        2. Depreciation: Reducing Balance Method: F=P(1-i)^t
                          1. Income Tax
                            1. Deductions on Income
                              1. Statutory
                                1. Income Tax
                                  1. PRSI
                                    1. USC
                                    2. Non-statutory
                                      1. Pension Contributions
                                        1. Trade Union Subs
                                          1. Health Insurance Payments
                                      2. Time Value of Money


                                        • This is the value of money when factoring in a given amount of interest earned overa  given time period. This is a concept that says it is more valuable to receive a sum of money now than in a year or two, asif you receive it now you can invest it and earn interest on it
                                        1. Present Value aka Present Discounted Value
                                          1. Used to calculate:


                                            • -Market value of a bond -Amount of each regular loan payment -amount to invest now to receive set amount in future -size of pension fund required to give a fixed income for a certain number of years
                                        2. Sum of Geometric Series
                                          1. Amortisation
                                            1. Term Loans/Mortgages
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