A broken appointment


Mind Map on A broken appointment, created by Abby A on 02/06/2017.
Abby A
Mind Map by Abby A, updated more than 1 year ago
Abby A
Created by Abby A almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

A broken appointment
  1. 'you did not come'
    1. 'you love not me'
      1. "And love alone can lend you loyalty
        1. alliteration
        2. syntax
        3. Repetition, this statement creates an empty feeling that explains the meaning of the title.
          1. abrupt simple sentence
          2. 'marching Time drew on and wore me numb'
            1. Time is personified by marching. Creating a angry/fed up tone
              1. like an army
              2. the enjambment creates anticipation
              3. 'as the hope-hour stroked its sum.'
                1. metaphor and personification shows that after the hour is over he will have given up hope on his lover.
                2. 'to soothe a time-torn man'
                  1. plosive- harsh sounds reinforce rejection
                    1. he is saying that she should have turned up anyway.
                      1. reflects the amount he had to wait 'time-torn'
                      2. the amount of punctuation in the second stanza makes it abrupt showing his anger.
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