Bismarck: General


Mind Map on Bismarck: General, created by bubblybarnden on 05/25/2014.
Mind Map by bubblybarnden, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bubblybarnden over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Bismarck: General
  1. Bismarck's life and times
    1. The Prussian Junkers
      1. A noble cast based on large (and often poor) landholdings east of the river Elbe. Still possessing feudal rights over the appointment of teachers and priests. protestant and rather puritanical. Strong ethic of service to the Prussian Monarchy, either in the Prussian army or in the civil service. profoundly conservative (opposed to change, to liberalism, democracy, and to outsiders of all kinds).
      2. His parents
        1. His father, described by A. J. P. Taylor as 'easy going and slow witted'
          1. His mother, described by a friend of Bismarck's, cited in Steinburg, 'not a pleasant woman, very smart - very cold'.
          2. Hated his school. Saw university (Gottingen) as a place he could stand out as a leader.
            1. Went home to mange estates after an unsuccessful year as a civil servant and another in the Prussian army.
              1. Married Johanna von Puttkamer
                1. Bismarck early political career.
                  1. May 1847: he is elected as a deputy to the Prussian United Diet. 1848: revolutions break out in Sicily, Paris, then spread to some German cities. 1848: new Prussian constitution imposed. Sep 1862: Bimsarck appointed Minister President of Prussia o the basis that he will support the monarchy and uphold it rights.
                  2. Traits: arrogant, ambitious, clever, unscrupleous. absolutely inflexible in ends, very flexible in his means.
                    1. Secure in the confidence of the King, confident also in his own abilities. lacking support in the wider political community; no party backing; already he had created many enemies.
                  3. The corpus of biographical writing on Bismarck
                    1. The first biographies: celebrating the 'founder of the Reich'
                      1. Bismarck as the hero of the right after 1918. In the context of german defeat in WWI; the collapse of the Monarchy; establishment of the republic; and anti-democratic thinking, the reultant desire for a strong leader. Bismarck was evoked as a model for the future strong leader ship of germany.
                        1. Structuralism: 1970s and 1980s - the biographical form was its it lowest esteem in Germany. German historians turned away from Bismarck the person and looked at the 'impersonal power' that determined events.
                          1. Recent re-apprasals of the Bismarck Myth: Steinburg: 'The real Bismarck, violent, intemerate, hyperchondriac, and misogynist, only appeared in biographies late in the twentieth century' and 'he bequethed to his successors an unstable structure of rule'
                          2. The unification of Germany 1962 - 1971.
                            1. A. J. P. Taylor: 'Bismarck had managed to defeat Austria and remake northern germany without offending either France or Russia - a feat previously regarded as impossible.
                              1. War with France: After a dispute over who should sit on the throne of Luxembourg, French declare war on North German confederation. French army capitulate at Sedan - provisional French gov. is formed and decides to continue the war - Prussian army besieges paris and compels it surrender.
                                1. 18 Jan 1871: William I of Prussian is crowned Emperor of Germany after having been offered it by the other princes.
                                  1. Bismarck's position in 1871: Germany united under Prussian leadership; huge national enthusiasm; Bismarck widely seen as the 'founder of the German Reich; Bismarck's favour with William I confirmed.
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