Mr Birling


GCSE English - Inspector Calls Mind Map on Mr Birling, created by 08acurd on 05/17/2013.
Mind Map by 08acurd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 08acurd almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Mr Birling
  1. capatilist
    1. All for himself
      1. p10 - 'should ignore the cranks who claim everybody has a responsability to care for everybody else
        1. This is in reference to Prestley who is a socialist
        2. makes a speech about their marriage and how it will lead to closer links between the Birling firm and Croft pg6-7
          1. why he is for the marriage
            1. could be why he does want a ''scandal''
          2. ''look after himself and his own''
          3. 'men with important work to do sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their buisness
            1. Represents what socialists such as Priestley felt was wrong with society
            2. Thinks he is powerful
              1. 'We don't guess- we've had experience - and we know.' pg7
                1. Older character - more stubborn , no sympathy , cannot accept being in wrong
                  1. 'yes my dear, i know i'm talking to much' pg 7
                    1. suggests he has high opinion of his own importance
                    2. has money ,power and and social position but no social justice
                      1. felt threatened by Eva Smith
                        1. called her a 'ring leader'
                          1. therefore fired her
                      2. Speech
                        1. refers to titanic - ' The Titanic - she sails next week - unsinkable, absloutly unsinkable' pg7
                          1. Dramatic irony - makes him look foolish and not trust worthy
                          2. says there will never be a war
                            1. ''i say there isen't a chance of war''
                          3. Class status
                            1. He tries to impress Gerald as they are higher class
                              1. pg4 ''it's a pity Sir George and - er - Lady Croft can't be with us''
                                1. shows he feels awkward as they did not arrive
                                2. looks up to them and wants to be part of his buisness
                                3. shows off to Gerald about getting a nighthood
                                  1. ''i gather there's a very good chance of a nighthood'
                                4. Appearance
                                  1. 'heavy- looking, rather portentous man' pg1
                                    1. Mr Birlings size helps to give him a threatening appearance
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