St Thomas Aquinas


Mind Map on St Thomas Aquinas, created by gmadigan17 on 04/06/2014.
Mind Map by gmadigan17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gmadigan17 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

St Thomas Aquinas
  1. Life
    1. Born on the 28th of January, 1225 in Italy.
      1. He died on the 7th of March, 1274 in Italy.
        1. During his early education he showed that he had a wide knowledge of things.
          1. Because he was born into a powerful family his early entry into the Dominican order in the early 1240s was very surprising.
            1. His family tried many ways to discourage him from joining the Dominican order. They even imprisoned him for two years!
            2. In 1257 he received his degree of Doctor of Theology.
              1. The rest of his life was spent praying, studying and writing.
              2. Views on good and evil
                1. He had two views on good and evil.
                  1. He thought an act is good or bad depending on whether it contributes or prevents us from our proper human end (final goal at which all human actions aim)
                  2. He said God is good and he must have an appropriate reason for allowing evil to exist.
                    1. He said that all goodness in the world must exist in God.
                      1. God must be good, and that God is goodness and that there is no evil in God.
                    2. Beliefs
                      1. People found it hard to tell the difference between faith and reason. St Thomas Aquinas said, “Both kinds of knowledge ultimately came from God.”
                        1. He believed that the existence of God can be proven in 5 ways:
                          1. 1. By observing movement in the world as proof of God, the “Immovable Motor”
                            1. 2. By observing cause and effect and identifying God as the cause of everything.
                              1. 3. By knowing that the temporary nature of humans proves the existence of a necessary being God who originates only from within himself.
                                1. 4. By noticing changeable levels of human perfection and determining that a supreme and perfect being must therefore exist.
                                  1. 5. By knowing that humans could not have intelligence without it being granted to them by God.
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