Urban Sprawl- It is the expansion of cities into neighboring areas


The expansion of one city to another areas.
Jaskiran Garcha
Mind Map by Jaskiran Garcha, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaskiran Garcha
Created by Jaskiran Garcha almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Urban Sprawl- It is the expansion of cities into neighboring areas
  1. Economic Consequences
    1. Less foresest or agriculture land
      1. Less jobs for these industries
        1. More unemplyoment rate
      2. The more use of automobiles
        1. The more area needed for parking
          1. The more area for parking means smaller government budget for other things
      3. Social Consequences
        1. Bigger City
          1. More maintainance cost
            1. Increased taxes
            2. More students
              1. More schools nedded to be built
                1. More destruction of natural habitat
            3. More cars
              1. More pollution
                1. Bad air quality
                  1. Increased health risks
            4. Enviornmental Consequennces
              1. More cars
                1. More traffic
                  1. Increases air pollution
                2. More Houses
                  1. Destruction of foresets- Loss of wildlife becasue if there is no sapce for animals to live, they will move to another area
                    1. Food chain messes up
                      1. Loss of plants/trees
                        1. More carbondioxide in the enviornment becasue there are no trees to take it in.
                          1. Less food for animals to eat
                    2. Personal Consequences
                      1. More Traffic
                        1. Frustrated drivers
                          1. More accidents
                          2. More time spent on road than with families
                          3. The bigger the area the longer it takes to go across
                            1. The more use of automobiles
                              1. Less active people and more obesity
                                1. The increased expenses of fuel
                            2. Legal and ethical consequences
                              1. People against Deforestation
                                1. Arguments between people supporting and against expansion of city for deforestation
                                  1. Less peace
                                2. If there is one forest between two cities and the expansion of any city can cause dispute between both cities.
                                  1. The government can put a limit on how big the city can be
                                    1. Smaller cities= Less money for the city
                                  2. Scientific consequences
                                    1. Plants that got cut down might be getting explored for new information
                                      1. Less development because there is no plants to explore
                                        1. They might be used in medicine
                                          1. No plants means no medicines that used the plant as an ingridient
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