Biology topic 3


Mind Map on Biology topic 3, created by Alice Emilie Gray on 06/06/2014.
Alice Emilie Gray
Mind Map by Alice Emilie Gray, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Emilie Gray
Created by Alice Emilie Gray over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Biology topic 3
    1. glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + energy
      1. high concentration to low
        1. in circulatory system
          1. in respiration
            1. diffusion of CO2 in
              1. diffusion of O out
                1. diffusion of glucose out
            2. EXERCISE
              1. blood is pumped faster
                1. respires faster
                  1. o2 and glucose out faster, co2 in faster
                2. heart rate
                  1. breathing rate
                    1. o2 taken in faster
                      1. co2 released faster
                      2. cardiac output=stroke volume x heart rate.
                        1. stroke volume = volume of blood pumped by the heart in one beat
                      3. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION
                        1. glucose=lactic acid +energy
                          1. release of energy w/o using o2
                            1. ads
                              1. allows muscle to contract even when the heart and lungs cannot deliver o2 fast enough
                              2. disads
                                1. releases much less energy
                                  1. lactic acid is not removed from the body, it builds up in the blood and must be broken down.
                                2. EPOC
                                  1. excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
                                  2. PHOTOSYNTHESIS
                                    1. process plants use to make glucose
                                      1. carbon dioxide + water -energy from light->> glucose + oxygen
                                        1. chlorophyll in chloroplasts capture light energy needed for PS.
                                          1. stomata in the leaf surface allows carbon dioxide needed for PS to diffuse into the leaf.
                                            1. they also allow o2 and water vapour produced by PS to disuse out of the leaf.
                                            2. LIMITING FACTORS
                                              1. low temp, dim light, low co2 conc.
                                                1. can be measured by the rate at which o2 is given off by a piece of pondweed
                                                2. WATER TRANSPORT
                                                  1. substances dissolved in the water are transported around plants by veins
                                                    1. veins contain tissues called xylem and phloem
                                                    2. water and dissolved minerals enter through roots
                                                      1. travel in xylem to rest of the plant
                                                        1. glucose (made in leaves by PS) converted to sucrose
                                                          1. sucrose transported in phloem to rest of plant
                                                      2. transpiration
                                                        1. evaporation of water from inside leaves to the outside air
                                                          1. evaporation of water vapour from leaves
                                                            1. draws water out of the leaf cells and xylem
                                                              1. draws water up xylem from roots
                                                                1. water enters roots by osmosis
                                                          2. active transport
                                                            1. subs move up or against their conc gradient
                                                              1. needs energy so subs can move
                                                              2. osmosis
                                                                1. diffusion of water molecules
                                                              3. OSMOSIS
                                                                1. net movement of water molecules from high to low conc through a partially permeable membrane
                                                                2. ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENT
                                                                  1. pooter
                                                                    1. sweeper net
                                                                      1. pitfall trap
                                                                        1. quadrats
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