Production Systems


Outline of Chapter 1 of Groover's book
Chris Jimenez
Mind Map by Chris Jimenez, updated more than 1 year ago
Chris Jimenez
Created by Chris Jimenez about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Production Systems
  1. Facilities: Factory Equipment
    1. Plant Layout
      1. Manufacturing Systems
        1. Manual Systems
          1. Man-Machine Systems
            1. Automated Work Systems
              1. Fixed Automation


                • The sequence of processing and assembly operations is fixed by equipment configuration. (suitable for very high production volumes)
                1. Programmable Automation


                  • The production equipment is designed with the capability to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different product configurations. (suitable for low to medium volume production rates) High investment in general purpose equipment Lower production rates than fixed automation flexible systems Suitable for batch production
                  1. Flexible Automation


                    • capable of producing a variety of parts with virtually no lost time for changeovers medium production rates continuous production of various mixtures of products high investment for custom engineered equipment
              2. Manufacturing Support Systems
                1. Business Functions
                  1. Product Design
                    1. Manufacturing Control
                      1. Shop Floor Control


                        • Deals with problem of monitoring the product as it is processed, assembled, moved and inspected in the factory. Is concerned with work-in-process inventory (WIP)
                        1. Inventory Control


                          • Attempts to strike a balance between the risk of having too little inventory and the carrying cost of too much inventory
                          1. Quality Control
                            1. Six Sigma
                              1. Statistical Process Control
                            2. Manufacturing Planning
                              1. Process Planning


                                • Determining the sequence of individual processing and assembly operations required to produce a part. Owner: Manufacturing or Industrial Engineering Departments
                                1. Master Production Schedule
                                  1. Material Requirements Planning
                                    1. Capacity Planning
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