Zoonose Exam Prep


My preliminary notation for my essay answer for the 2018 exam BY353 Zoonoses. Exam taken at University of Brighton.
Mollie Bedford
Note by Mollie Bedford, updated more than 1 year ago
Mollie Bedford
Created by Mollie Bedford over 6 years ago

Resource summary

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Question 1. Critically discuss the measures that can be taken to prevent incidents of zoonotic disease transmission associated with agricultural animal populations. Exam 6/06/18

What to Research? Critically Discuss - look at opposing viewpoints of the situation. Situation - prevention. the measures that can be taken to prevent incidents - look at prevention techniques (What). Think about how the prevention techniques would be needed (Who) (farmers, vets, Inspectors/GovernmentalAgents - occupational hazards) and when they would be applied. So Government agent guideline already researched thanks to dad - HSE info sheet on Zoonoses. Farmers - look at .gov, farming associations, blog guidelines Vets - vet societies/guidelines, legal guidelinesDon't get bogged down in what occupations say and compare that - instead compare the techniques - their effectiveness, ease etc, and where they are used in what situations. The measures that can be taken, not have been taken. Know Your Question (KYQ). Zoonotic Disease Transmission - how these different prevention techniques can be used as transmission prevention. What do they prevent? Contact? Aerosol? Fecal Oral? What diseases do they prevent? How does that relate to below? Research not just above, but also paper looking into effectiveness of measures and how they relate to the disease they are associated to it. Above deals with what can be done, this deals with why it is done. Associated with agricultural animal populations - not working animals, agricultural. So important for food, food contanimation prevention. Access to vetenary care - prevention of contact to wild populations?

Stucture (Flow Diagram)

Prelim Structure

Main Essay

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Research Organisms   Measures for farmers   Measures for vets   Measures for visitor/transient contact  

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Overall Plan for essay   Introduction What is a Zoonoses? How do they spread? First Section - General Animal Husbandry and Prevention Aerosol Examples - Anthrax Treatment - Face Masks, Well Ventilated areas, UV screening of potentially infected materials Fecal/Oral Examples - Cryptosporidium Treatment - Good hygiene practices, prevention of dust leading to inhilation Fomites Examples - Ecoli 0157 Treatment - Good Handwashing, control of children, cleaning of potentially infected areas, burning bedding Food Examples - Salmonella Treatments - Pasturisation, Good cooking practices, Good cleaning practices (fecal oral) Blood/Saliva Examples - Rabies Treatment - Protective clothing, vaccination Contact Examples - Chlamydophila abortus Treatment - Protective Clothing, Limit contact Second Section - Epidemics and prevention (Foot and Mouth, 2007/2001) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/250363/0312.pdf Third Section - Persistent Disease prevention (Bovine TB)    

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