Adjective Agreement for Indefinite Articles in Spanish - created from Mind Map


Spanish I Note on Adjective Agreement for Indefinite Articles in Spanish - created from Mind Map, created by martiem09 on 02/12/2013.
Note by martiem09, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by martiem09 almost 11 years ago
Copied to Note by martiem09 almost 11 years ago

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Remember that the definite articles are el, la, los, las. What do these mean in English? THE The indefinite articles are different. Instead of el, la, los, las, they are UN, UNA, UNOS, and UNAS. But how do we know which to use? Un, unos: A word is masculine if it ends in -o or -os. This does not mean that the object is a boy or associated with a boy. Singular If the item is singular and masculine, which means it ends in O you use UN (a) Un libro (a book); Un vestido (a dress) Plural If the item is plural and masculine, which means it ends in OS, you use UNOS (some). Unos libros (some books); Unos vestidos (some dresses) Think of it this way: Both unos and the object it goes with end in OS! What about UNA and UNAS? A word is feminine if it ends in -a or -as. This does not mean that the object is a girl or associated with a girl. Singular If the item is singular and feminine, it ends in A, and goes with UNA, which also ends in A. Una manzana (an apple); una mochila (a backpack) Plural If the item is plural and feminine, it ends in AS and goes with UNAS, which also ends in AS Unas manzanas (some apples); unas mochilas (some backpacks) Think of it this way: Both the plural objects and indefinite article (unas) end in AS! They match! El=un, la=una, los=unos, las=unas So then how will you say "a" or "some" for these items? El Muchacho, las ventanas, el pupitre, la escuela, los alumnos, las fotografías Preguntas?

These words usually have "el" before them, which means "the"


Adjective Agreement for Indefinite Articles in Spanish


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