The preterite tense


A levels spanish Note on The preterite tense , created by istarinmcvicar on 14/03/2014.
Note by istarinmcvicar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by istarinmcvicar about 10 years ago

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Preterite tense- something done in the past. Regular verbs(AR) Comprar-To buy                              (ER)Beber-To drink                                  (IR) Vivir- To live Yo- Compré                                            Yo-Bebí                                                    Yo-VivíTú-Compraste                                         Tú-Bebiste                                              Tú-VivisteEl/Ella/Ud-Compró                                 El/Ella/Ud-Bebió                                     El/Ella/Ud-VivióNos-Compramos                                    Nos-Bebisteis                                        Nos-VivisteisVos-Comprasteis                                    Vos-Bebisteis                                       Vos-VivisteisEllos/Ellas/Uds-Compraron                   Ellos/Ellas/uds-Bebieron                        Ellos/Ellas/uds-VivieronIrregularsIr                                                        Hacer                                                             Ser                                                 Yo-Fui                                               Yo-Hice                                                         Yo-FuiTú-Fuiste                                          Tú-Hiciste                                                       Tú-FuisteEl/Ella/Ud-Fui                                   El/Ella/Ud-Hizo                                              El/Ella/Ud-FuiNos-Fuimos                                      Nos-Hicimos                                                Nos-FuimosVos-Fuisteis                                      Vos- Hicisteis                                               Vos- BebisteisEllos/Ellas/Uds-Fueron                     Ellos/Ellas/uds-Hicieron                              Ellos/ellas/uds- Vivieron Estar                                                  Decir                                                            VenirYo-Estuve                                      Yo- Dije                                                       Yo- VineTú-Estuviste                                  Tú-Dijiste                                                    Tú- VinisteEl/ella/ud- Estuvo                        El/ella/ud- Dijo                                           El/ella/ud- VinoNos- Estuvimos                           Nos-Dijimos                                               Nos- VimosVos-Estuvisteis                           Vos-Dijisteis                                              Vos- VisteisEllos/Ellas/Uds- Estuvieron        Ellos/Ellas/Uds- Dijieron                           Ellos/Ellas/Uds- VinieronVer                                                  Dar                                                           Leer Yo- Vi                                          Yo- Di                                                     Yo-LeíTú-Viste                                     Tú- Diste                                                  Tú-LeísteEl/ella/ud-Vio                              El/ella/ud- Dio                                        El/Ella/ud- LeyóNos- Vimos                               Nos- Dimos                                             Nos- LeímosVos-Visteis                                Vos-Disteis                                              Vos- LeísteisEllos/ellas/uds- Vieron             Ellos/ellas/uds- Dieron                            Ellos/ellas/uds-Leyeron Oir                                          Jugar                                                         LlegarYo-Oí                                    Yo-Jugué                                                Yo-lleguéTú-Oíste                               Tú-Jugaste                                             Tú- llegasteEl/ella/ud-Oyó                     El/ella/ud- Jugó                                      El/Ella/Ud- llegóNos-Oímos                          Nos- Jugamos                                      Nos-llegamosVos- Oísteis                      Vos- Jugasteis                                       Vos- llegasteisEllos/ellas/uds- Oyeron      Ellos/Ellas/uds-Jugaron                        Ellos/Ellas/uds-llegaron Practicar                                   Tener                                                     EmpezarYo-Practiqué                            Yo-Tuve                                            Yo- EmpecéTú-Practicaste                           Tú-Tuviste                                       Tú-EmpezasteEl/Ella/ud- Practicó                  El/ella/ud-Tuvo                                  El/ella/ud- EmpezóNos-Practicamos                     Nos- Tuvimos                                   Nos-EmpezamosVos-Practicasteis                    Vos-Tuvisteis                                     Vos-EmpezasteisEllos/Ellas/uds-Practcaron         Ellos/Ellas/uds- Tuvieron              Ellos/ellas/uds- Empezaron Cruzar                                         Poder                                             PonerYo- Crucé                                 Yo- Puse                                        Yo- PudeTú-Cruzaste                            Tú- Pusiste                                     Tú- PudisteEl/ella/ud-Cruzó                      El/ella/ud-Puso                                 El/Ella/ud- Pudo Nos-Cruzamos                       Nos-Pusimos                                   Nos-PudimosVos-Cruzasteis                       Vos-Pusisteis                                 Vos-PudisteisEllos/ellas/uds-Cruzaron        Ellos/ellas/uds-Pusieron                  Ellos/Ellas/uds- PudieronQuerer                                      SaberYo-Quise                                Yo-SupeTú-quisiste                              Tú-supisteEl/ella/ud-Quiso                      El/Ella/ud-SupoNos-Quisimos                       Nos-SupimosVos-Quisisteis                        Vos- SupisteisEllos/ellas/uds-quisieron        Ellos/ellas/uds- Supieron                                                       

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