

Evidence of Authorship Biography Purposes Special Notes Key Passages
Leah Zamudio
Note by Leah Zamudio, updated more than 1 year ago
Leah Zamudio
Created by Leah Zamudio almost 8 years ago

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Matthew I. Authorship A. Internal Evidence 1. There is no evidence of Matthew being the author. B. External Evidences 1. Eusebius (A.D. 339) Roman historian who lived in Caesarea. He quotes Papias who said that the book of Matthew was originally written in Aramaic and that Matthew was the author. 2. Papias (A.D. 100) Bishop of the early church from Hierapolis 3. Irenaeus (A. D. 202) An early church father. A respected leader. He said about Matthew wrote it in Hebrews own dialect/language. Inferences drawn from these early statements. · The authorship was undisputed and speaks of Matthew also known as Levi · Tradition agrees that there was a man named Matthew who wrote it. He was a publican, tax collector. Matthew could read and write. He was literate and knew how to take notes. 4. The idea of an Aramaic version does not mean they didn’t write a Greek version later. This makes sense because his boss would have been a Roman. This means he would have been able to speak and write in both Aramaic/Hebrew and Greek. 5. Tertullian a church father 160 – 225 BC. He said that circulation of letters in the church would never had happened if there was a doubt who the author was. C. Biography of the Matthew 1. Worked in Galilee 2. A Tax collector – a Jew employed by Rome 3. An apostle – eye-witness Jesus’ resurrected. He was a part of the original 12 selected. 4. Not mentioned after Acts 1:13 5. He was a Jewish-Christian II. Background A. Historical Setting 1. N/A B. Occasion 1. N/A C. Date of Authorship 1. 50-53 AD. It was before Jerusalem’s destruction 70 AD. Because there was not mention of the destruction. He is a Jewish-Christian so that would have been a big deal and he would have mentioned it. D. Destination 1. Not known for certain but it was destined for Jews. There are themes like the Law of Moses and Prophecy, the Kingdom, Nation of Israel that shows that it was intended for the Jews. E. Place of Authorship 1. Possibly in the place of Antioch. It could have circulation in and out of Antioch. III. Purpose A. Matthew was written to Jews to show how Jesus enlarged and explained the revelation which had begun in the Old Testament Messianic prophecies concerning the Messianic kingdom and the inclusion of Gentiles as the fulfillment of Israel. · 60 References to Jewish Prophecy · 40 Quotes from Old Testament (Because he was talking to Jews. It validates what was being said) B. It is the link between the Old and New Testament. 1. Jesus as the “new Moses” · Early-life parallels a. Both escape an attempt on their lives at birth. b. Rulers who abused God’s people pursued them. (Pharaoh pursued Moses Herrod pursued Jesus) c. Both are called out from home to ministry. (Jesus from Galilee and Moses called from Egypt.) d. Each has saving mission for God’s people. Moses possessed a mission to save God’s people from physical slavery and Jesus’ mission was to save God’s people out of spiritual slavery - sin.) · Ministry parallels a. Mt. Sinai receiving the Law for Israel. b. Sermon on the Mt. giving God’s new law for all. IV. Special Notes A. Matthew is a Gospel of the Church 1. Ekklesia – community/organism/church. It is the only book that mentions the Greek work. (Matthew 16:18; 18:17) He says that in a pagan place of worship and it was used for the first time at that place by Jesus. (two are gathered in Jesus name (it’s about reconciliation.) B. Matthew proclaims the Royalty of the King. 1. The Genealogy (ch.1) 2. Seeking a new “King of the Jews” (ch.2) 3. Request of James and John (ch.20) 4. Triumphal Entry on a donkey (ch.21) 5. Jesus’ prediction: sit as king in glory (25:31) 6. The Cross-inscription: “King of the Jews. (27:37) 7. The called “Son of David” 9xs by followers. 8. Fulfilled prophecy as Messianic King. C. Discourse Book (didactic – teachings) 1. 5 major discourse sections (see outline) D. A book about the Kingdom 1. “Kingdom” defined: God’s active rule and reign set up in people’s hearts…to be realized in and through God’s people. · Judges against Israel’s religious elite · Inhabits a humble heart AND, God’s rule and reign cosmologically! · In conflict with Satan (miracles, exorcisms) Mentions the term “Kingdom”Matt. 55 Mark 5 Luke 44 John 5 Mentions the phrase “Kingdom of Heaven” 35 0 0 0 10 of the parables in Matthew begin with “the Kingdom of heaven is like…” V. Key Passages A. Matt. 1-2 Birth Narrative B. Matt. 5-7 Sermon on the Mount C. Matt. 5 Beatitudes D. Matt. 6 Lord’s Prayer E. Matt. 13 Kingdom Parables F. Matt. 28 Great Commission

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