French Vocab


Leaving Certificate French Note on French Vocab, created by Alethea Graham on 07/11/2016.
Alethea Graham
Note by Alethea Graham, updated more than 1 year ago
Alethea Graham
Created by Alethea Graham almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Désunir To Split Croire To Believe Raconter To Tell/Say Témoinage Testimony Avant Before Au début At the start Petit à petit Little-by-little Devinir To Become Odieux/Odieuse Horrible Histoire Story Connaître Know Bonheur Good Luck Dégrader Deteriorate Perdre To Lose N'importe quoi Whatever Fugurer To Run Away Plusieurs Several Chance Good Luck Sauver To Save Même Even (to greater degree) À partir de From Apparter To Bring Debrouiller To Manage Conseiller To Advise Seul Alone Comprendre To Understand Quant à __ As far as __ is concerned Casser To Break Oser To Dare Bien que Although Cas Situation/Case Réfléchir Reflect/Think About Sembler To Seem Malgré In Spite Of Acceuil Welcome Au milleu (de) In the middle (of) Soudé Close/Welded Pas Step Montrer To Show Parfois Sometimes Avoir besoin de To have need of Ça vout le peine It's worth the trouble Moindre Least/Smallest Bagarrer To Argue/Fight Sondage Survey Venir de To have just Petit-enfant Grandchild Courrier Mail/Letters Lecteur Reader Ne __ aucun(e) Not Any __ Jusqu'a Until Oser To dare Sauter To jump Fossé des générations Generation gap Dont Of which/About which Se moquer de To make fun of Revenir To come back À travers Across/Through Propre [noun] Own [noun] Savoir To know Disponible Available Avoir besoin de To need Jeu de société Board game Empêcher de To prevent Quotidien Daily Défaut Fault À l'heure At a set time Se plaindre To complain Dos Back Nuage Cloud Entre Between Lorsque When

Page 2

Terminale The final year of school, equivalent of Sixth YearArrêter To stopSe disputer To argueMener To leadAvoir l'air To seemTout à fait CompletelyD'accord In En fin de compte FinallyLandemain Following dayLoyer RentRemplir To fill inUn ennui TroublePlus tard LaterPassé PastJuste FairLoin Far Au bout du chemin To the end of the roadBoîte Night clubExpliquer To explainExplication ExplanationMûr MatureEn sécurité SafeVu que Considering thatHabit ClothingForcément InevitablyFainént LazyFalloir To be necessaryLaisser To leave/To letParaître To appear/To seemDes fois SometimesComplice Encouraging/SupportiveSe fair des confidences To confide in each otherEn permanence Permanently/ContinuouslyS'interposer To interveneAvoir tort To be wrongAvoir raison To be rightVaisselle Washing up (dishes)Durer To lastParole WordDe dehors OutsideS'occuper de To take to do withS'intéresser à To be interested inPratiquer To do (sports)Autant So muchPeut-être Perhaps Guillemets Inverted commas

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