Global History Regents Review Notes (Scientific Revolution)


Notes on the Scientific Revolution for the Global History Regents
Jen Molte
Note by Jen Molte, updated more than 1 year ago
Jen Molte
Created by Jen Molte over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Scientific Method

Dependent on observation and experimentation

State the problem Gather information on the problem Form a hypothesis Experiment to test the hypothesis Record and analyze data State conclusion Repeat steps above

Copernicus (Polish)

1543 - published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

Propose heliocentric (sun-centered) model of universe

Sun at center, 7 planets revolve around sun    

Many people rejected his theories because they contradicted previous thinking

Knowledge and religious teaching based on classical thinkers

Galileo (Italian)

Invented first telescope

Observed four moons around Jupiter

Saw exactly how earth moved around the sun

People attacked his observations because they contradicted views about the world

Condemned by the Church because his finds challenged Christian teachers that heavens were fixed, unmoving and perfect

1633 - tried before the Inquisition

Ended up saying that the earth stood motionless in the center to avoid death

Bacon (English)

Rejected Aristotle's scientific assumption

Challenge scholarly traditions of the medieval universities

Stress experimentation and observation

Newton (English)

At 24, he discovered the theory to explain why planets moved

Discovered the idea of gravity

1887 - published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, which explains the law of gravity

Helped developed Calculus

Scientific REvolution

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