Species Diversity


Ecology101 FlashCards sobre Species Diversity, criado por cjangeles em 18-07-2014.
FlashCards por cjangeles, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por cjangeles quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Species Richness number of species
Species Diversity a measure of number and evenness of species
Simpson's Index (D) D=1-sump(i) probability of picking two organisms at random that are different species
Why are there more species in the tropics than in any other area on earth? 1. Time Hypothesis 2. Climate Hypothesis 3. Area Hypothesis 4. Competition Hypothesis 5. Predation Hypothesis
Time Hypothesis tropical communities have had more time for speciation than temperate or polar communities -Draw Graph Examples
Climate Hypothesis more species can adapt to favorable climate in the tropics than harsh climate in other areas
Area Hypothesis tropical zones contain more area on the globe than temperate area
Competition Hypothesis species are more specialized in the tropics, allowing more species to coexist -Draw Graphs
Predation Hypothesis predation is stronger in the tropics allowing more species to coexist
Field Experiment of Predator Mediated Coexistence Starfish: -Prey species: mussels, limpets, chitons, barnacles, snails -With Starfish removed, mussels excluded other species, lowering species diversity -Starfish present, resulted in greater species diversity as they preferred mussels
Observational Field Study of Disturbance Mediated Coexistence Example 1 Rocky Intertidal Disturbances: -With logs absent, mussels excluded other species -Effects of predation and disturbance on species diversity are similar -Caveat: predation and disturbance cannot not be too intense
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis Graph . 1: competitive exclusion by dominant species 2: disturbance mediated coexistence 3: extinctions cause by too much disturbance
Observational Field Study of Disturbance Mediated Coexistence Example #2 Algae on Intertidal Boulders: -Draw experiment graph -FREQUENCY DISTURBANCE -Small boulders turn over more frequently than large boulders 1: Competitive exclusion by red algae; 2: Coexistence of green and red; 3: Only green present
Experimental Field Study of Disturbance Mediated Coexistence Snails Eating Algae: -emergent substrate versus tide pools -built cages on rocks that excluded snails and contained algae -in tide pool, highest number of algae with intermediate number of snails (too many snails=extinction & too few=algae exclude other algae) -emergent substrate had decreased algae due to snails and wave disturbances -SNAILS PREFFERED COMPETITIVE ALGAE IN TIDE POOLS AND INFERIOR COMPETITOR ON EMERGENT SUBSTRATES


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