

FlashCards sobre Grammar, criado por Emma Madden em 25-05-2013.
Emma Madden
FlashCards por Emma Madden, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emma Madden
Criado por Emma Madden quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Subjunctive Mood 'You can be silent' - something not actually occurring
Action Verbs a verb that expresses action
Adjective Prepositional Phrase Acting as an adjective; expressing which or what kind and modifying a noun/pronoun
Adverbial Nouns Expresses amount, weight, e.g. 'two days'
Antecedent 'The boy threw the football', 'he threw it' = boy is the antecedent of he
Correlative Conjunctions Come in pairs, e.g. 'if/then', 'either/or'
Qualifiers Adverbs that strengthen or weaken the words they modify
Minor Sentence Used to create a spoken word feel, e.g. 'working all year round'
Syntactic Parallelism repetition of sentence structure
Synthetic Personalisation Using the second person directive pronoun 'you' in a text
Postpositive Adjective An adjective at the end of the sentence, e.g. 'I enjoyed this weekend's summit immensely'
Attributive Adjective An adjective that comes before the headword, e.g. 'the lovely girl'
Predicative Adjective An adjective that comes after the headword, e.g. 'That girl who so lovely'
Nominal Adjective Stands in place of a noun, e.g. 'the old'
Absolute Adjective Does not belong to a larger construction, e.g. 'sad'
Adverbs My Tom Fucks Dogs Fucking Cunt M= manner (delicately) T= time (early on) F= frequency (regularly) D=degree (partially) F=formation (lovingly) C=comment (perfectly)
Adverbial How/when/where the verb was carried out
Meiosis A figure of speech involving understatement
Demonstrative Pronoun Pronouns used to differentiate between possibilities; 'that', 'those'
Evaluative Adjective Implies judgement, e.g. 'dark' compared to 'gloomy'
Homonymic Pun A play on words that look the same but aren't. E.g. 'being a mortician is a grave business'
Ellipsis Omission of words (like a minor sentence)
Nominalisation The turning of an action or event expressed as a verb into a noun
Triad A pattern of three
Fricative 'F', 'TH'
Tail A word or phrase added onto the end of a sentence
Collocational Clash When one item of a collocation is replaced with another to sound like the original. E.g. 'fish and pips'
Conjugation Changing of verb endings, e.g. 'run' to 'running'
Copula Verb A verb used to couple a subject to a complement
Complement Adds information to a subject or object
Indefinite Sentence When the beginning or end of a sentence isn't relevant, e.g. 'I ran'
Asynchronous Communication When participants do not need to be present simultaneously, such as when emailing
Collocation 'bread and butter', 'fish and chips', 'knife and fork'
Primary Verb 'Do, have, be'
Hypernym A category that words fit into, such as fish= herring, cod, fanny
Hyponym Words within a hypernym's category (smaller that a hypernym)
Phrase A headword+modifier, with no verbs
Prepositional Phrase Shows the position of the nouns, or where the noun is going
Noun Phrase A noun or pronoun as the headword, e.g. 'the long, sandy penis'
Verb Phrases Main/auxiliary verb as the headword, e.g. 'I may go hopping'
Relative Clause A subordinate clause that adds information to another clause element (like an adjective)
Gerund A word which functions as a noun and always ends in 'ing'
Periphrase Several words joined together to create a grammatical phrase, e.g. 'I do hope' (do is the particle of the phrase)
Prop-Word Use of the word 'one' in place of a noun


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