Science Cells


Drew Simon
FlashCards por Drew Simon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Drew Simon
Criado por Drew Simon mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Golgi Body Receives proteins and materials from ER, packages them, and sends them where they are needed (distributes them).
Mitochondria Produce energy a cell needs to function. Powerhouse!
Chloroplast Only in a plant cell. Captures sunlight to make food for the cell. Photosynthesis happens here!
Endoplasmic Reticulum Passageways to be a transporter and also a producer of proteins, lipids (fats) in the cell.
Ribosome Makes proteins using amino acids.
Vacuole Storage of food, water, and waste.
Cytoplasm Gel-like fluid where organelles are found.
Nucleus Control center! Has DNA, controls functions of the cell.
Cell Membrane Controls what comes in and out of the cell. In both plant cells and animal cells.
Cell Wall Rigid outer layer providing protection and support to a plant cell. Only in a plant cell.
Lysosome Has chemicals to break down food, perhaps old cell parts. May do some recycling of useful items.
Nucleolus Inside nucleus. Makes ribosomes.


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