Enoxaparin sodium


FlashCards sobre Enoxaparin sodium, criado por Em J em 04-06-2018.
Em J
FlashCards por Em J, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Em J
Criado por Em J quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Therapeutic class Anticoagulant
Pharmaceutical class Low molecular weight heparin
Indications - Prevention of VTE in surgical or bed-bound med patients - treatment for DVT and PE - Treatment of acute STEMI and non-STEMI as well as unstable angina
Action Inactivates clotting factors thrombonin and Xa by binding to antithrombonin III
Absorption Well-absorbed subcut
Distribution Does not cross the placenta or enter breast milk
Metabolism & excretion Metabolised by the liver and excreted by the kidneys in urine
Half-life 4.5 hrs
Contraindications/precautions - caution in renally impaired - Hepatic impairment - Elderly may require dose adjustment - Those at risk of bleeding
Adverse reactions CVS: brusing and bleeding CNS: pain at the inject. site May cause hyperkalemia, HAEMO: can cause irreversible thrombocytopenia
Interactions When used in conjunction with other anticoagulants can increase potency
Nursing assessment implications - Liver & renal function - Electrolyte balance - Post administration clotting factor blood tests
Education Ask patient to advise if they notice any unexplained bleeding or bruising May require self-admin education if prolonged post-discharge use is required


Alessandra S.
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Alessandra S.
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