
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por Olivia Dolan Unk em 18-11-2014.
Olivia Dolan Unk
FlashCards por Olivia Dolan Unk, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Olivia Dolan Unk
Criado por Olivia Dolan Unk mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
ANTIVIRUS An antivirus is designed to detect and destroy computer viruses.
SPYWARE PORTECTION Spyware is a term used to describe a software program that is intentionally installed on a computer by to monitor what other users of the same computer are doing.
FIREWALLS A firewall is a software utility or hardware device that limits outside network access to a computer or local network by blocking or restricting network ports.
DISK FORMATTING Disk formatting is the process of preparing a data storage device such as a hard disk drive, solid-state drive, floppy disk or USB flash drive for initial use.
FILE TRANSFER File transfer is the process of moving data from one location to another.
DE-FRAGMENTATION Defragmentation is a term used to describe the process of reorganizing a hard drive's data.


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