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bigthor ortiz
FlashCards por bigthor ortiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
bigthor ortiz
Criado por bigthor ortiz mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
We use verb to be present/past with: 1.Name: 2.Nationality: 3.Address: 4.Description: 5.Places: 6.Profesions: 7.Motions: 8.Locations:
To talk about: 1. Things happening now: I´m eating mole poblano 2.Temporary activities: She is living in usa.
To talk about: 1.Background events: She was drinking coffee in a cafe. 2.Temporary past actions: I was sleeping because i was tired. 3.Interrupted actions: she speaking me when i was kooking
To talk about: 1.Habits and routines: I walk 1 hour every day. 2.facts and states: she lives whit her mparents. 3.Feelings and opinions: she thinks that this subjet is well.
To talk about: 1.completed actions or situation in the past: They went to my town in a car. 2.A past habit that is not longer true: I worked in a company of coffee. 3.A past state that has changed: she was so quite. 4.A single action, you must use the past simple: i went to alaska in 1999
Future with going to and the present continuous 1.We used the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements when the time has been decided: I´m going to veracruz the next holidays. 2.To talk about fixed future plans: I´m going to have the date with my girlfrend tomorrow. The present continuos is often more natural. 3.To talk about the future intentions. the time may not be decided/definite: I hate my car. I´m going to look for a new one.
1.Describing actions that happened before another action in the past: I discovered I´d lost my wallet. I realized the man had found it.
present perfect to talk about: an action that happened at an un specified time in the past. The action is more important than the it hapened: she´s been to paris. a situation started in the past and continuous in the present when using a stative verb: how long have you known annie? a completed activity where the focus is on the result rather than the activity or action. i haven´t seen jhon.
present perfect continuous to talk about: an action or activity that started in the past and continuous to the present. how long have you been studiying english? a recent activity when the activity is more important than the result. the activity may or may not be finished. you look quite hot. have you been cooking.


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