Glossary of Keywords: Rocks and weathering Key Stage 3: Science


FlashCards sobre Glossary of Keywords: Rocks and weathering Key Stage 3: Science, criado por Serious Student em 23-08-2013.
Serious Student
FlashCards por Serious Student, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Serious Student
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Resumo de Recurso

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Deposition The settling of rock fragments after transportation.
Erosion The wearing away of rocks by wind, water or ice.
Exfoliation Weathering of rocks caused by repeated heating and cooling, also called onion-skin weathering.
Freeze-thaw Weathering of rocks caused by the repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks in rocks.
Mineral A solid substance, usually a compound, which is found in rocks.
Rock A hard and compact mixture of minerals.
Transportation Movement of rock fragments from one place to another.
Weathering The breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces by physical, chemical, biological processes.


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