Unit 3 Flash Cards


FlashCards sobre Unit 3 Flash Cards, criado por JOSE FLORES-RANDOLPH em 16-10-2019.
FlashCards por JOSE FLORES-RANDOLPH, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por JOSE FLORES-RANDOLPH mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
1. Reform To change for the better
2. Progressivism Fixing society with government change
3. Tenements Slum apartments in cities
4. Political corruption Using a position of power for self gain
5. Populism More power to ordinary people
6. Americanization Immigrants learning to become ¨american¨
7. Public Education Government run schools
8. Environmental Regulations Laws about how the environment is treated
9. Conservation Protecting and preserving the environment
10. Suffrage The right to vote
11. Sherman Antitrust act Anti-monopoly law from 1890
12. Clayton antitrust act Stopped monopolies from merging & helped labor unions
13. Muckrakers Journalist who exposed wrongdoings
14. Theodore Roosevelt Progressive president
15. Federal reserve system Central bank created to protect banks from failing
16. Lobbying Seek to influence a politician or a public official on a problem
17. Political Parties Group of people who have the same ideology
18. Public Opinion Views common among the general public
19. Farmers alliance Organization to make farmers lives better
20. Media Forms of mass communication


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