
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por ndann98 em 27-02-2015.
FlashCards por ndann98, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ndann98 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
UK TRIBAL GROUPS Urban: Those living the urban lifestyle thrive in the lives of fashion and music, they are the most confident group across the world.
Mainstream: The mainstream group is mostly a laid back and easily pleased group with many sub-cultures within; they range from Friday nights out in town to ridiculous booze holidays in Magaluf - they go with the flow. Leading Edge: Typical influential group hoping to drive youth groups and teaching them to live for right now - they are all about getting involved and doing stuff; making music, blogs, sports and various activities.
Aspirant: These people are always looking for new ideas and new experiences and will spend as much money as they need to experience the best and most exiting things in life - this group dominates the majority of student unions across the UK. Alternative: This group rejects the mainstream ideas and goes against their ways by leading an authentic lifestyle. They are all about individuality, from cult TV sitcoms to indie band cultures and the latest indie fashions.


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