Part 1 - PE Methods Content Exam


FlashCards sobre Part 1 - PE Methods Content Exam, criado por Jessica Bird em 25-06-2020.
Jessica Bird
FlashCards por Jessica Bird, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jessica Bird
Criado por Jessica Bird quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The changes that occur in human movement across the lifespan are called motor development
List the eight basic locomotor skills. walk, run, gallop, slide, jump, hop, skip, leap
Developmentally, skills gained first (used in running, jumping, throwing) are gross motor skills
T or F: Small muscle skills (used in movement with hands, fingers, and eye-hand coordination are gross motor skills. false
Movements that are stationary or do not propel the mover around an area are nonlocomotor
Movements, where the hands or feet handle equipment, are manipulative
List three skills that are examples of non-locomotor skills bending, twisting, stretching, pushing, pulling, turning
The NASPE identifies five characteristics of a physically educated person. Please identify three characteristics. Answers will vary! Be sure to know the characteristics of a physically educated person!
Identify one way a movement educator might adapt a skill for each level indicated: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Answers will vary! Be sure to know one way an educator can adapt a skill for each level!


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Dicionário de Química
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Tipos de sujeito
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