Cold Environments Unit Revision Cards - Fluvioglacial features


A-level Geography (Cold Environments) FlashCards sobre Cold Environments Unit Revision Cards - Fluvioglacial features, criado por alicenoel em 31-03-2015.
FlashCards por alicenoel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alicenoel aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Eskers Long, narrow winding ridges of stratified gravel, they can be formed on top and underneath the glacier. The meltwater underneath flows through mulins, creating channels below the glacier. They vary in size and height, and beaded eskers can be formed in summer. Deposition of till occurs at the sides - more transportation. They are endangered by roads and mining.
Kames They are steep-sided mounds of fluvioglacial material that is unsorted in shape and size. They can be linear and are found in de-glaciated areas. Kame terraces are found on the sides of a valley and are formed by meltwater streams flowing along the edge of a glacier.
Discharge from a glacier: 1 It is the amalgamation of many sources of meltwater. Peaks of flow are related to air temperature and they may increase from early summer to early autumn. Flow is reduced in winter - most of the water comes from sub-glacial melting.
Reasons for variations in rates of flow Occurance of obstacles Rate of ice flow - dependent upon ice thickness Gradient Friction + pressure Amount of precipitation Sudden draining of ice-dammed lakes
Discharge from a glacier: 2 Difficult to measure glacial discharge - unpredictable + peaks can be too big. Extreme oscilations to discharge. Hydraulic action, cavitation and potholing are forms of meltwater erosion. Streams can be blocked by sediment. The load is high - high velocity - corrasion of the channel. Carbonation is an active denudational process - lower temp=more CO2. Braided channels are prodeced from outflow streams.
Sandurs They are an outwash plain formed by a meltwater stream. They consist of sediment that settles at the snout of a glacier, which are always temperate, as they have more meltwater. Sediment is collected in the meltwater streams and is carried through the snout and deposited in front of the end moraine. Some of the sediment is sorted due to the reduction in pressure.


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