Lesson 4.4 Heart Intervention - Key Terms


FlashCards sobre Lesson 4.4 Heart Intervention - Key Terms, criado por Cheyanne Stokes em 17-04-2015.
Cheyanne Stokes
FlashCards por Cheyanne Stokes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cheyanne Stokes
Criado por Cheyanne Stokes aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Angiogram The radiographic visualization of blood vessels after the injection of radiopaque substance.
Angioplasty Surgical repair or recanalization of a blood vessel.
Coronary Bypass A surgical bypass operation performed to shunt blood around an obstruction in a coronary artery that involves grafting one end of a segment of vein removed from another part of the body into the aorta and the other end into the coronary artery beyond the obstructed area to allow for increased blood flow.
Heart Attack An acute episode of heart disease marked by death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle usually as a result of coronary thrombosis or a coronary occlusion and that is characterized especially by chest pain.
Heart Disease An abnormal organic condition of the heart or of circulation.
Metabolic Syndrome A syndrome marked by the presence of usually three or more of a group of factors (as high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, high triglyceride levels, low HDL levels, and high fasting levels of blood sugar) that are linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Risk Factor Something which increases risk or susceptibility.
Stenting A surgical procedure or operation for inserting a stent, a mold to keep a passageway open, into an anatomical vessel.
Stroke Sudden loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion caused by rupture or obstruction (as by a clot) of a blood vessel of the brain.


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