Exploration and Colonization


FlashCards sobre Exploration and Colonization, criado por Anastaja Nieves em 14-12-2020.
Anastaja Nieves
FlashCards por Anastaja Nieves, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anastaja Nieves
Criado por Anastaja Nieves mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Middle Passage The sea journey that was undertaken by slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies.
Conquistador A Spanish conqueror, of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century
Columbian Exchange The Columbian exchange, named after Christopher Columbus. It was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa.
Christopher Columbus An explorer who discovered America in 1492
Pilgrims people who journey to foreign lands searching for religious freedom
Hernando Cortes An explorer who discovered Mexico
Francisco Pizarro An explorer who discovered the Incan Empire
Colony a distant country or area occupied by people from another country who are under the full or partial political control of that country. Example: the colonies were settled by people from England and were ruled by the King of England.
Atahualpa was the last Inca Emperor.
Montezuma 11 9th tlatoani of Tenochtitlan and ruler of the Aztec Triple Alliance (1466-1520)
Triangular trade A multilateral system of trading in which a country pays for its imports from one country by its exports to another.
Slave trade The procuring, transporting, and selling of human beings as slaves, in particular the former trade in black Africans as slaves by European countries and North America.
Mayflower Compact An agreement reached by the Pilgrims on the ship the Mayflower in 1620, just before they landed at Plymouth Rock.
Mayflower the ship in which the Pilgrims sailed from England to America in 1620.
New World Continents North & South America
Why did the Spanish and English come to the New World? The Spanish were in a race with the English, French and Dutch to claim the New World and extend their empire.
Why did the pilgrims come to the new world? Pilgrims came to America in search of religious freedom and persecution from the King of England.
What are the positive and negative effects of the columbian exchange? The Columbian Exchange is the contact between the New World and the Old World. Trades happen between these two continents and that began the Columbian Exchange. The positive things are that it helps trade goods to be transported and used in new places. The negative things was that they made people slaves.
How did the conquistadors treat the native people? Spanish treatment of the Native Americans was poor. Spanish explorers considered the natives inferior.
What is white gold -surgar in the New World? “White Gold,” as British colonists called it, surger cane.
What was the treatment of the slaves and labor in the New World? The treatment of the slaves and labor in the New World was bad. Slave children had to work and the owners hurt them.
What was the First permanent English settlement-Jamestown? The First Permanent English Settlement in Jamestown was in 1606 in Virginia. Like many other European countries. They were searching for more wealth and power.


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