Palmer (1975)


FlashCards sobre Palmer (1975), criado por Raz Saifullah em 30-05-2015.
Raz Saifullah
FlashCards por Raz Saifullah, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Raz Saifullah
Criado por Raz Saifullah quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Aim To see whether context affects perception
Procedure -64 students -Shown visual scenes for 2 seconds -Briefly shown an object to identify -Repeated measures -Participants were given written instructions telling them what to do
Procedure (Further Explanation with an example) Context: Kitchen 4 conditions of context: -Appropriate (Recognising a loaf of bread) -Inappropriate, similar (Recognising a mailbox that looks like a loaf of bread) -Inappropriate, different (Recognising a drum) -No context
Conclusion Expectations affect perception. People have a perceptual set based on context which affects how accurately they recognise objects.
Strengths -Palmer controlled for how long participants saw the context and the object -Participants had standardized instructions -Data from two pps were not taken as they had forgotten their glasses
Weaknesses -Because the participants were told what they were doing, they may have been subject to bias -As two results were removed, there were fewer results for the study


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